Inspire your people with Marc’s Award-Winning performances.
Choose the right theme for your big event, family show, summer camp or school assembly. Each theme is tailor-made for any specific event. All shows are hilarious and inspirational.

fun and engaging virtual & Live school assembly programs
Marc is a school’s specialist. He has visited over 5000 schools, lecturing to principals, staff and students. He provides both live and virtual assemblies. He provides assemblies for all key stages.

Family Event and Assembly Program
“Your amazing life is up to you!”
Life is made up of choices. Make great choices and you’ll have a great life! This hilarious and super motivational show is ideal for a first time assembly visit and is tailor made for all grade levels. Messages include: Take responsibility, don’t blame, ownership, choosing a great attitude, choosing to respect others, choosing to be kind and to smile! Our amazing life is up to us! This is Marc’s flagship and most popular assembly.
Available as a live show.

Family Event and Assembly Program
“Help Everyone Respect Others!”
Will you be a HERO? Children learn they can be a hero everyday by helping others, by showing kindness in action, by showing respect with their words and by being obedient. They learn about real animal heroes who displayed these qualities. This funny assembly is full of big puppets and magic, inspiring children that they can be a hero everyday!
Available as a live show.
Live or Virtual:

“Anti Bullying / Acceptance of Others”
Students learn to look through their golden goggles and see the gold in them and the gold in others. They meet 4 animals that teach them 4 behavior types. GOLD creates identity, brings harmony, deals with bullying & racism and improves behavior as everyone feels understood. Follow the golden rule: “Treat others how you want to be treated!” It’s fun, simple, easy to understand and has won a national award.
Click Here to Purchase For Commercial Use
Family Event and School Assembly Program:
“Do your best on the test!”
Great for pre-testing. Messages include: Having a positive attitude, ‘Don’t stress have a guess’, change your thinking from ‘I can’t’ to ‘How can I?’ Get good sleep. Eat a healthy breakfast. Don’t believe Buzz the vulture’s lies. Shift your attitude. You can’t? YES YOU CAN! Lots of fun and super motivational!
Available as a live show.
Family Event and School Assembly Program:
Oceans Of Possibilities

“All things are possible IF you believe!”
It’s time to IMAGINE! Nothing new happens until we imagine it first! Dive into the Oceans of Possibilities. Meet talking Dolphins and the Star who performs on ‘Got Talent’! This is a hilarious feel-good show where anything is possible … IF you believe! Ideal inspiration for end or beginning of year assemblies and events.
Available as a live show.
Live Program Only:
“Dream the Impossible!”
The last man on the moon said, ‘If I can stand on the moon, what can’t you do?’ The show tells true stories about animals, who travelled in space, to inspire audiences to reach for the stars and go for their dreams. As you reach for your dreams you begin to discover your purpose and harness the most powerful motivating force there is.
Available as a live show.
Online school assembly program:
“All things are now virtually possible!”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge”, said Einstein. “Imagination will take you everywhere!” Nothing happens unless we imagine it first. Opening up your audience’s imagination allows them to dream and move forwards in life. Visit the amazing Imagination Island and start to make the impossible a possibility!
Click Here to Purchase For Commercial Use
Online school assembly program:
Winter wonderland
“The wonder in YOU!”
Welcome to Wonderland – a fantastical world where animals talk, magic happens and dreams come true! This imaginative show is hosted by ‘Mr. Sunshine’ the snowman. Students learn that the power is not in the environment, but in the seed itself. Winter seasons are essential for personal growth. As we embrace our winter season and change our attitude, we can optimize the tough times to grow ourselves and ultimately step towards our goals and dreams. Our winter season is actually our wonderland!
Click Here to Purchase For Commercial Use
Wow!!! Marc Griffiths was a BIG hit speaking to my staff. I’d seen him before, invited him, wanting to inspire my teams and Marc blew all expectations. They’ll be talking about him for months!!!!!!!
Scott Keesey
Senior Event Planner, CMC, Carollton, GA
In my 26 years of being a principal that was the BEST thing I have ever had in my school!
David May,
Principal, Bodriggy School, Cornwall
One of the best Upward Entertainers we’ve had! A huge hit! He had the room roaring with laughter!
Event Organizer, Upward, VI
As PTA event coordinator, this is was what I was waiting for! Brilliant! Absolutely the best talk we’ve had. The school raved. I totally recommend Marc’s humor, professionalism and inspirational messages!”
Latika Prabhakar
PTA Chair, Millstone, NJ
You are excellent! Really excellent! My children sat through both sessions and it was their highlight all year!
CACH Adoption Organization, UK
Best thing I’ve ever seen in schools. Engaging for all years. Amazing!
Principal, Wellington school, Wiltshire, UK
Marc Griffiths was amazing!
OFSTED Chief Education Inspector, Yorkshire, UK
My challenging student, who never engages, loved you!
Principal, Chesterfield, UK
I couldn’t stop laughing! I was crying! The best show I’ve ever seen!
KS1 Head Teacher, Ystrad Mynach, Wales
Join Marc and his incredible friends on your favorite social media platforms!